I believe...

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00giovedì 20 luglio 2006 20:18
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"I would." She was angry now. He wondered if bringing the wine to the dinner had been a wise idea. Life was certainly not a cabernet right now.
"It's not easy to believe."
"I," she told him, "can believe anything. You have no idea what I can believe."
"I can believe things that are true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and Marilyn Monroe and the Beatles and Elvis and Msiter Ed. Listen - I believe that people are perfectible, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is run by secret banking cartels and is visited by aliens on a regular basis, nice ones that look like wrinkedly lemurs and bad ones who mutilate cattle and want our water and or women. I believe that future sucks and I believe that the future rocks and I believe that one day White Buffalo Woman is going to come back and kick everyone's ass. I believe that all the men are just overgrown boys with deep problems communicating and that the decline in good sex in America is coincident with the decline in drive-in movie theaters from state to state. I believe that all politicians are unprincipled crooks and I still believe that they are better than the alternative. I believe that California is going to sink into the sea when the big one comes, while Florida is going to dissolve into madness and alligators and toxic waste. I believe that antibacterial soap is destroying our resistance to dirt and disease so that one day we'll all be wiped out by the common cold like the Martians in War of the Worlds. I believe that the greates poets of the last century were Edith Sitwell and Don Marquis, that jade is dried dragon sperm, and that thousands of years ago in a former life I was a one-armed Siberian shaman. I believe that mankind's destiny resides in the stars. I believe that candy really did taste better when I was a kid, that it's aerodynamically impossible for a bumbflee to fly, that light is a wave and a particle, that there's a cat in a box somewhere who's alive and dead at the same time (although if they don't ever open the box to feed it it'll eventually just be two different kind of dead), and that there are stars in the universe billions of years older than the universe itself. I believe in a personal god who cares about me and worries and oversees everything I do. I believe in an impersonal god who set the universe in motion and went off to hang with her girlfriends and doesn't even know that I'm alive. I believe in an empty and godless universe of casual chaos, background noise, and sheer blind luck. I believe that anyone who says that sex is overrated just hasn't done it properly. I believe that anyone who claims to know what's going on will lie about the little things too. I believe in asbolute honesty and sensible social lies. I believe in a woman's right to choose, a baby's right to live, and while the human life is sacred there's nothing wrong with the death penalty if you can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal system. I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it." She stopped, out of breath.

Neil Gaiman, American Gods, 2001, pp.393-395
00venerdì 21 luglio 2006 18:43
Credo nelle rovesciate di Bonimba, e nei riff di Keith Richards. Credo al doppio suono del campanello del padrone di casa che vuole l'affitto ogni primo del mese. Credo che ognuno di noi si meriterebbe di avere una madre e un padre che siano decenti con lui almeno finchè non si sta in piedi. Credo che un'Inter come quella di Corso, Mazzola e Suarez non ci sarà mai più, ma non è detto che non ce ne saranno altre belle in maniera diversa. Credo che non sia tutto qua; però, prima di credere in qualcos'altro, bisogna fare i conti con quello che c'è qua: e allora mi sa che crederò primo o poi in qualche dio. Credo che se prima o poi avrò una famiglia sarà dura tirare avanti con trecentomila al mese, però credo anche che se non leccherò il culo come fa il mio caporeparto difficilmente cambieranno le cose. Credo che c'è un buco grosso dentro, ma anche che il rock and roll, qualche amichetta, il calcio, qualche soddisfazione sul lavoro, le stronzate con gli amici, bè, ogni tanto questo buco me lo riempiono. Credo che la voglia di scappare da un paese di ventimila abitanti vuol dire che hai voglia di scappare da te stesso, e credo che da te non ci scappi neanche se sei Eddy Merckx... Credo che non è giusto giudicare la vita degli altri, perchè comunque non puoi sapere proprio un cazzo della vita degli altri. Credo che per credere, certi momenti, ti serve molta energia. Ecco, allora vedete di ricaricare le vostre scorte con questo...
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